I have been following your journey through being pregnant and nonmonogamous and have found it to be super insightful. I know you will do an update article to let us know how you are feeling. My question is revolving around identity and motherhood as a nonmonogamous person. How do you feel your sense of self has changed ever since you became a mother? Has it escalated the relationship with your partner? Thoughts on marriage after having a baby(do you think it has benefits/drawbacks as a poly person)? That's quite a bit to chew on, but I am super curious :)

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How did you end up in Berlin?

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Hey Sarah.

We are trying to reach you for a potential collaboration.

We are Biyaku, a sexuality app with courses and guided meditations... You can check our Substack and Instagram below.



If you are interested at all, mail to mete@biyaku.me please. Love...

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